

Recorded presentations, interviews, & more.


16.05.2024 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Migrantes Venezolanos, bandas criminales y capitalismo neoliberal


20.11.2020 |  Special Issue Education and the War on Drugs
The school experiences of drug-involved youth

17.09.2022 | Université de Genève
Violencia Urbana y Memoria Colectiva en las Americas


24.06.2021 | Humanitarian Development Partnerships Forum
Understanding youth engagement in urban crime and violence,


15.06.2017 | University of Oxford Social Science Division
Safety in ethnographic fieldwork


15.12.2020 | Youth, education and the war on drugs, Journal of Education in Emergencies Special issue launch

News articles

10.10.2016 | Reasons behind low turnout in Colombia peace vote pose serious threats to democracy, Colombia Reports

05.11.2015 | Children’s rights and reparation in Colombia, Oxford Human Rights Hub

14.10.2016 | El plebiscito por la paz en Colombia, La Oreja Roja

25.11.2016 | Violenza e legalità in Colombia, Voci Globali

02.10.2016 | Children and the peace plebiscite in Colombia, Oxford Human Rights Hub

08.10.2016 | Astensione nel voto per la pace in Colombia, Voci Globali