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📅 9-10 September 2025
Geneva Graduate Institute
📚 We welcome papers using ethnographic or qualitative approaches to examine illegal housing practices in a global context of rapid urbanization and migratory flows.
➡️ To apply, please send us a 500 word abstract and a short bio by March 31st, 2025. Full papers are requested by August 1st, 2025.
👉 Plase see full CfP at this link.
*other upcoming events*
09.07.2025 | CONFERENCE | SASE 2025: Inclusive Solidarities: Reimagining Boundaries in Divided Times, Montréal, Canada
15.05.2025 | SEMINAR | Gangs, Migration, and Urban Extractivism at the Margins: The housing market of an informal settlement in Medellín, Colombia, Geneva Graduate Institute
08.05.2025 | SEMINAR | Criminal gangs, informal housing markets, and urban extractivism in an ‘invasion neighbourhood’ of Medellín, Colombia, Université de Genève
03.04.2025 | WORKSHOP | The Organization of Illegal Marketplaces, University of St. Gallen
26.02.2025 | WORKSHOP | La Migración Venezolana en Medellín: Retos, oportunidades, alianzas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
10.13.2024 | SEMINAR | Towards an Inclusive Ethnography: Making Fieldwork Safer, Healthier, and More Ethical, Geneva Graduate Institute
28.11.2024 | CONFERENCE | Juvenicidio: Conceptualizar, medir, prevenir y combatir la violencia sistemática en contra de las personas jóvenes
31.10.2024 | CONFERENCE | Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime Conference (online)
13.09.2024 | CONFERENCE | Forms and Dynamics of Organized Crime in Latin America, Fundación Paz Ciudadana [keynote address]
23.07.2024 | CONFERENCE | EASA 2024: Doing and Un-Doing with Anthropology, University of Barcelona [early-career keynote address]
13.06.2024 | CONFERENCE | SLAS 2024: In/Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean, University of Amsterdam
24.06.2024 | WORKSHOP | Justice Juvénile et Vie Quotidienne dans les Périphéries Urbaines, Université de Fribourg
19.06-2024 | WORKSHOP | GANGS ERC Project Final Workshop, SciencesPo Paris
13.06.2024 | CONFERENCE | LASA 2024: Reaction and Resistance, Possible Futures in the Americas, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá
16.05.2024 | WORKSHOP | South-South Migration: The Venezuelan Case and Beyond, UNAL Medellín
24.04.2024 | WORKSHOP | From Global to Local: Gangs, Racism, Criminalisation, and the Empowerment of Youths, UC Riverside
14.03.2024 | ROUNDTABLE | Critical perspectives on Medellin's trajectory to become a Global City, London School of Economics
06.12.2023 | SEMINAR | Institute of Americas Seminar Series, University College London
14.11.2023 | SEMINAR | Oxford Criminology Seminar Series, University of Oxford
18.05.2023 | CONFERENCE | EUROGANG, Les Avellanes, Barcelona
15.05.2023 | CONFERENCE | TRANSGANG & LEBAN Final Conference, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
25.04. 2023 | WORKSHOP | Negotiated Criminality, Ethnographic Institute, Emlyon Business School, Lyon
15.03.2023 | LECTURE | BA Media and Cultural Studies, University of California Riverside (online)
17.09.2022 | CONFERENCE | Urban Violence and Collective Memory in the Americas, University of Geneva
04.08.2022 | LECTURE | Conflict Management and Fragility Diploma, Geneva Graduate Institute (online)
16 .06.2022 | CONFERENCE | Justice, Politics, and Security: Understanding Transitions across Colombia’s Margins Freie Universität Berlin
17.05.2022 | CONFERENCE | Anthropology of Crime and Security, EASA, University of Bologna
15.02.2022 | PANEL | Workshop Anthropology of Organizations, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
18.01.2022 | LECTURE | Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (online)
02.12.2021 | CONFERENCE | Juventudes y Crimen Organizado en America Latina, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá (online)
31.08.2021 | CONFERENCE | Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference (online)
19.10.2021 | SEMINAR | Anthropology and Sociology Department Seminar Series, Geneva Graduate Institute,
16.06.2021 | SEMINAR | Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding Seminar Series, Geneva Graduate Institute
05.05.2021 | SEMINAR | CONPEACE Programme, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford
23.09.2019 | CONFERENCE | Governance, Crime & International Security, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
03.06.2019 | CONFERENCE | Security and Criminality in the Americas, University of Oxford
27.11.2018 | SEMINAR | Institute of the Americas Seminar Series, University College London
06.11.2018 | CONFERENCE | ‘Restorying’ Peace, Geneva Peace Week, Geneva Graduate Institute
29.10.2018 | SEMINAR | Oxford Transitional Justice Research, University of Oxford
17.10.2018 | CONFERENCE | Micro-Dynamics of Violence, University of Oxford
21.09.2018 | PANEL | The Rise of Urban Violence, War Child Peace Expert Session, Amsterdam
30 .05.2018 | SEMINAR | Latin American Centre Seminar Series, University of Oxford
26.04.2018 | SEMINAR | Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de Antioquia
21.04.2018 | CONFERENCE | Biannual meeting of the Society for Cultural Anthropology (online)
03.03.2018 | EVENT | Rodeemos el Diálogo, Bogotá
23.02.2018 | SEMINAR | Inclusive Peace & Transition, Geneva Graduate Institute
21.02.2018 | SEMINAR | Conflict & Human Rights Initiative, Geneva Graduate Institute
04.12.2017 | CONFERENCE | Human Rights from a Cross-Cultural Perspective, Shandong University
01.12.2017 | CONFERENCE | Colombia in the Post-Conflict Phase, University of Oxford
29.09.2017 | CONFERENCE | Examining Peace and Violence in Colombia, Newcastle University
17.09.2017 | CONFERENCE | Conflict Research Society Annual Conference, University of Oxford
27.08.2017 | CONFERENCE | Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology Annual Conference, Amsterdam
07.07.2017 | GUEST LECTURE | Frontiers of Children’s Rights Summer School, Leiden University
08.06.2017 | CONFERENCE | Transitional Justice, Social Justice, and Human Rights, Utrecht University
24.05.2017 | CONFERENCE | Testimonies for Transformation in a World in Turmoil, University of Oxford
06.05.2017 | CONFERENCE | Positive Peace: Concepts and Practices, University of Oxford
09.04.2017 | GUEST LECTURE | Children’s Rights in Practice course, University College London
14.03.2017 | GUEST LECTURE | London Metropolitan University
20.02.2016 | GUEST LECTURE | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
15.02.2016 | GUEST LECTURE | Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá
06.02.2016 | GUEST LECTURE | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
08.06.2015 | CONFERENCE | Rights in Conflict: Socio-Legal & Critical Approaches, University College Cork
17.11.2014 | CONFERENCE | International Conference 25 Years CRC, Leiden University
06.05.2014 | CONFERENCE | Methods for Ethnographic Fieldwork with Children, London School of Economics