

Find out about my publications and writing projects.



Butti, E. [forthcoming 2025]. We Are the Nobodies: Youth, gangs, and precarity in neoliberal Colombia. Ethnographic monograph under contract in the Anthropology List of New York University Press.

Feixa, C., Bonvillani, A., Butti, E., and Muñoz, G. (eds.) [forthcoming 2025]. Juvenicidios, Violencias y Resistencias Sociales. Edited volume commissioned by NED Ediciones.

Peer-reviewed articles

Butti, E. 2025. Youth Are Not All the Same: On the Appropriateness and Limits of Participatory Methods in Youth Research. Social Sciences, Special Issue Researching Youth on the Move: Methods, Ethics and Emotions, eds. Nele Hansen and Carles Feixa, 14 (18): 1-14.

Butti, E. 2022. From Family to Franchise? Friendship, individualism and the marketization of  the Colombian youth gangYouth and Globalization, Special issue Gangs and Globalization, edited by Carles Feixa and Jose Sánchez-García, 3, 308-331.

Chávez, C. and Butti, E. 2020. ‘If You Don’t Have an Education, You Are No One’: Understanding the School Experiences of Youth involved in Drug-Related Crime in Mexico and ColombiaJournal of Education in Emergencies, Special Issue Education and the War on Drugs, edited by María José Bermeo and Diana Rodríguez Gómez, 6(1), 148-174.

Butti, E. and McGonigle, B. 2019. Intersectionality and Transformative Reparations: The Case of Colombian Marginal YouthsInternational Criminal Law Review, Special Issue The Ethnography of Armed Conflict, edited by Noha Aboueldahab, 19(5), 753-782. 

Butti, E. 2016. The Invisible Violence behind the Legal Façade: Challenges of and Strategies for Conducting Research in High-Risk Settings in Transitional ColombiaJournal of the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, 1.

Book chapters

Butti, E. [forthcoming 2026]. Youth in Illegal Markets. Invited to submit in the Oxford Handbook of Illegal Markets, edited by M. Dewey and A. Hubschle. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Abello-Colak, A. and Butti, E. [forthcoming 2026]. Social Urbanism, City Branding and Criminal Mutations in Medellín. Under contract in the Oxford Handbook on Urban Violence, edited by K. Mitton, A. Varsori and Z. Waseem. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Butti, E., Van Damme, E. and Ziosi, E. [forthcoming 2025]. Gangs and Organized Crime in Latin America: Boundaries, Intersections, and Articulations. Accepted in Eurogang edited volume, edited by D. Carson, M. Urbanik and R. Shanon. London: Springer.

Butti, E. [forthcoming 2025]. El Ciclo Vicioso del Juvenicidio. Accepted in Juvenicidios, Violencias y Resistencias Sociales, edited by C. Feixa, A. Bonvillani, E. Butti, and G. Muñoz.  Barcelona: NED.

Butti, E. 2024. Safe and Ethical Ethnography: Looking Inwards. In Inclusive Ethnography: Making Fieldwork Safer, Healthier and More Ethical, edited by Caitlin Procter and Brawen Spector, pp. 18-32. London: SAGE.

Butti, E. 2022. Reflections on Youth, Norms, and Violence in Colombia’s Criminal World. InViolence and Justice in Latin America, edited by Carlos Solar and Carlos Perez, pp. 25-43. London: Routledge.

Commissioned reports

Butti, E. 2019. El uso y utilización de menores de edad por parte de los grupos armados en Granizal. International Committe of the Red Cross – Medellín Sub-Delegation [internal report].

Butti, E. 2018. Involving Non-Organised ‘Outcast’ Youths in Peacebuilding: Existing Challenges and Lessons Learned in the Colombian Case. A contribution to the Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security mandated by Security Council Resolution 2250 (2015).

Butti, E. 2015. El enfoque diferencial de niñez en la Ley de Víctimas: Marco normativo e implementación. International Center for Transitional Justice – Bogotá office [internal report].